Personal Growth Self-Improvement

Never Enough

Do you struggle to feel worthy? Enough? If so, you need to read this.

It’s sad to see people with great skill and passion in some areas of their lives who wither into apparent nothingness when faced with situations, or decisions that require courage or willingness to try something knowing they are going to suck at it at first. Or worse, to stay where they are playing their favorite head game, “Never enough.” Or similar games, “If only”, “Someday I’ll”, and “I wish I woulda.”

I know this may sound harsh but how many times a day do we succumb to the “Itty bitty shitty committee” between our ears? You know the voices, the inner critics, with their incessant chatter who survive and thrive on the nonsense we feed them.

Every self-deprecating thought, excuse, or false rationale that we tell ourselves about why we aren’t good enough, smart enough, thin enough, rich enough, young enough, etc. ad nauseous infinitum. At some point, if we are to break free from this insidious cycle and bad habit, doesn’t it make sense that we’ll need to do something different? But what? we ask.

I don’t know what it is for you. For me, it’s getting angry or sick and tired of letting fears control who I am and what I want to be, or what I want to do. It may seem totally obvious to some, but the quickest, fastest, and most effective way I know to break free from the handcuffs of my own fears, doubts, and insecurities is to first recognize them when they pop up. To sit with my uncomfortable feelings for a bit. Then ask myself, how badly do I want to not be controlled by my inner critics? And more importantly, what am I gonna do about it?

Ouch… I know. But it’s true.

Somewhere in this process I usually find a reason and motivation to feel the fear and take a chance on me anyway. When I do, something magical happens, almost instantly. Whether I succeed or fail — I quickly discover that I can. All I have to do is be willing to do something different and not get hung up on the results (getting what I wanted) immediately.

When I find the courage to take action and let go of my attachment to the outcome, I win. Every time. And my confidence skyrockets because I am no longer a prisoner of my own limitations.

Practice this process of awareness and new action. I can almost guarantee you will feel better when you do.

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The above post is an excerpt from a forthcoming inspirational book, Today’s the Day. If you found this entertaining or helpful and want to read more of my articles, sign up for my email list to get all my latest musings, advice, or life lessons. If you need more encouragement, shoot me a message: at

If you want to learn more about how to stop overthinking and how to silence your inner critics, overcome procrastination, get over writer’s block, or increase your self-confidence, you should buy and read my latest book, Ten Seconds of Boldness. It will change your life if you are willing to change and bold enough to do the work.

Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash


Shawn is an inspirational author, speaker, coach, and business consultant who is passionate about helping others dare to take a chance on themselves. He is the author of the memoir Beyond Recovery: A Journey of Grace, Love, and Forgiveness and the recent release, Ten Seconds of Boldness: The Essential Guide to Solving Problems and Building Self-Confidence, and Today’s The Day: Inspiration, Encouragement, and Wisdom to Overcome Mental Blocks and Live a Happier, More Productive, and Fulfilling Life, One Day at a Time.

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  1. BRAVO

    A perfect presentation that will inspire millions.f🎊🎊🎊😂🎉💕💕💕. MOM

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